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(Thousand Yen)
FYE 2023FYE 2024
Net sales18,791,36524,098,199
Cost of sales13,216,16017,323,842
Gross profit5,575,2056,774,357
Selling, general and administrative expenses4,253,4674,632,589
Operating profit1,321,7382,141,767
Non-operating income
Interest income69108
Rental income1,1401,140
Gain on forfeiture of unclaimed dividends320176
Subsidy income903-
Surrender value of insurance policies-70,671
Total non-operating income4,09473,111
Non-operating expenses
Interest expenses284
Rental expenses on real estate966966
Foreign exchange losses5672,067
Total non-operating expenses1,5803,040
Ordinary profit1,324,2512,211,838
Extraordinary income
Gain on sale of non-current assets227-
liquidation of subsidiaries-884
Gain on reversal of share acquisition rights-325
Total extraordinary income2271,210
Extraordinary losses
Loss on retirement of non-current assets5,4590
Total extraordinary losses5,4590
Profit before income taxes1,319,0192,213,048
Income taxes - current475,004730,616
Income taxes - deferred-20,58018,970
Total income taxes454,423749,586
Profit attributable to owners of parent864,5951,463,461