About Us

We are specialized in the area of worker dispatching business with high added value. Specifically, we are engaged in the technical personnel dispatching business for the construction and plant industry, the machine design and development service, and SES (System Engineering Service). We have continued to increase our revenue for 16 consecutive period since our foundation. We have achieved this by providing the solution of technical personnel dispatch to Japanese companies facing structural labor shortages starting with those in the construction industry.

The driving force of this growth is the everlasting value of “working with a sense of purpose” as we state in our corporate philosophy. We have managed our business based on it with a great sense of responsibility and mission, since our foundation, as our business gives great impact on the lifestyle of our employees through worker dispatching business. By “working with a sense of purpose,” each of the employees can commit to work with pride and they could achieve targets set by themselves.

We will continue to develop sustainable corporate value by contributing to solve social issues through the technical personnel dispatching business.

(Mascot of COPRO)

Corporate Philosophy

Specialized in the area of dispatching
technical personnel with high added value

Construction Technician Dispatching

We dispatch construction management technicians (referred to as site supervisors) to construction, civil engineering and facility work sites. They take a place between the on-site head and various tradesmen of the client company to promote smooth and steady construction.

Machine Design and Development Engineer Dispatching

We dispatch engineers in areas from design and development to production technology and after-sales services in the manufacturing industry (e.g., automobiles, aircraft and consumer electronics).

SES(System Engineering Service)

We mainly match freelance system engineers with IT-related projects. System engineers are involved in system development such as web and application development, software development built into home appliances, etc. (embedded engineers), etc.

Job of Construction Management Technician

Handling four main forms of management at construction and plant sites.

Dispatch of tradesmen is prohibited under the Act on Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Businesses and Protecting Dispatched Workers.


Cost Management

Make adjustments so that work costs come within budget to generate profit.

Quality Management

Inspect whether construction standards are cleared.


Process Management

Consider the order of work, the type and number of units required of heavy machinery, and the usage plan of that. Put all that into a process chart. In addition, check progress is as in the process plan and then make adjustments.

Safety Management

Develop the work environment and give guidance so it is possible to finish work without accidents at work sites where danger is always present.

Jobs of Mechanical Design and Development Engineer

In charge of development, design, and other upstream processes
in the manufacturing process.

Machine design and development engineers take charge of upstream processes (e.g., advance development, component development, structural design and electrical design) in the product development process. In addition, they are involved in mass production operations after development and design is completed and production operations of maintenance manuals for products launched onto the market.

Jobs of SES

In charge of system development such as web and application development, software development built into home appliances, etc. (embedded engineers), etc.

In the software development field, they create program specifications and software designs, manage projects, and perform testing. They are involved in a variety of projects, such as new development or service updates, depending on the client's requirements.

Our Four Strengths

Since the company was founded, COPRO has opposed the conventional wisdom of the personnel dispatch industry of “being done with our job once we have hired and dispatched personnel.” COPRO has seized that the engineer dispatch business as an opportunity for human development and has aimed to find, develop, and dispatch human assets who add high value, and make sure they are retained. As a result, COPRO has a relatively high rate of retention in the industry as expressed by the satisfaction of engineers, and receives support from the major general contractors and other client companies.

Market Trends

Market Size of Worker Dispatching Business

(Unit: billions of yen)

Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Employee Dispatch Business Report Aggregated Results and the Japan Staffing Services Association


Market Growth Potential of the Core Business

The market size of human resource services for the construction industry in FY2026 is expected to expand by +22.6% compared to FY2021. This is due to the shortage of young human resources caused by the declining birthrate, as well as the new overtime work limit regulations that began to be applied in April 2024. Due to the structural shortage of labor, serious lack of manpower is expected to continue in the future. On the other hand, the construction market is expected to expand against the backdrop of an increase in public works projects due to urban redevelopment and aging infrastructure, and our clients, general contractors and subcontractors, will continue to utilize outsourcing, which allows them to flexibly respond to increases and decreases in construction work while controlling labor costs, so we expect the use of temporary workers continue to increase.

Human Resources Services for the Construction Industry Market Size Forecast

* Yano Research Institute's "2023 Edition Current Status and Prospects for the Human Resources Business PART2: Human Resources Services by Industry & Occupation"

Our History

Growth Trajectory・Medium-Term Growth Targets

Since our founding in 2006, we have grown by specializing in the dispatch of technician in the construction business area, mainly by dispatching experienced technical employees to job sites immediately. Currently, by focusing on recruiting, training, and supporting both experienced and inexperienced workers, we are steadily increasing the number of technical employees and the number of client companies to which we dispatch them so that we can expand our business performance. Going forward, along with the growth of our core construction technician dispatching business, we aim to achieve our medium- and long-term goals by growing mechanical design and development and SES businesses, which we acquired though M&A in FYE2021, as one of the business foundations of our group.


Medium-Term Financial Performance Targets

Through the realization of the ‘Technician Support Platform’, we aim for sales of ¥40 billion and non-GAAP operating profit of ¥5 billion with 6,200 engineers and technicians by FYE2027. As a run-up period for major growth from the next fiscal year onward, for FYE2023, we expect an increase in sales and a decrease in profits as we work on strengthening recruitment by an aggressive cost outlay.

※Non-GAAP operating profit is calculated by adding depreciation, amortization of goodwill and share-based remuneration expenses back to operating profit.

Medium-term Management Plan
