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Basic Policy

Dividends are the basis for shareholder returns, which we consider to be one of the important management issues, and our basic policy is to pay stable dividends. We will not reduce dividends, but rather maintain a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 50% or more, during the period covered by the medium-term management plan "COPRO Group Build the Future 2027" (from FYE2023 to FYE2027), depending on the profit growth achieved through aggressive investment.

Dividends per Share

FYE 2020
FYE 2021
FYE 2022
FYE 2023
FYE 2024
Interim 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00
Year-end 10.00 12.50 15.00 20.00 30.00
Commemorative Dividend (Year-end) - 1.25 - - 5.00
Annual 15.00 18.75 20.00 25.00 50.00
Dividend payout ratio (%) 26.1 35.1 39.2 53.7 69.2
*The commemorative dividend is the memorial dividend for the market change of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Nagoya Stock Exchange for the fiscal year ending March 2021, and the commemorative dividend for the 5th anniversary of listing on the stock exchange for the fiscal year ending March 2024.
*We performed a stock split at a ratio of two shares per common share on April 1, 2021 and October 1,2023.
*FYE2024 is a forecast
Commemorative Dividend (Year-end)
Dividend payout ratio
*FYE2024 is a forecast

Share Split

We performed a share split at a ratio of two shares per common share on April 1, 2021 and October 1,2023.

Processing and Holding of Acquired Treasury Stock

(1) Treasury Stock Acquired with a Resolution at a General Meeting of Shareholders

There are no applicable matters.

(2) Treasury Stock Acquired with a Resolution at a Meeting of the Board of Directors

There are no applicable matters.

(3) Details of Treasury Stock Acquired without a Resolution at a General Meeting of Shareholders or a Meeting of the Board of Directors
FYE 2022
Acquired treasury stock
(4) Processing and Holding of Acquired Treasury Stock
FYE 2023
Held treasury stock